Fantasy Ideas     Gaming Ideas    

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Cities Utopia Project - Public Restrooms
Morality Logarithmic Utilitarianism
Children was the tooth fairy invented
to get teeth out of children's hands
so they don't continually gross us out with them?
every eight-year-old would have a pocket full of
cool rocks, tootsie rolls, spare change, and...teeth
Language caustrum
not a real word yet
but sounds like one
not sure what to assign it to yet...
Lyrics rewritten for my nieces
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Do they hang right to the ground
As you toddle all around?

Do your ears hang low?
Language wypipo as shorthand for "white people"
I instantly understood it
as seen here
UI Design scroll bar markers
it'd be great to be able to specify
in html, location-marks
that would show on the scroll bar
for tall pages
Conspiracy Theory social apps display 14h
instead of 1:13pm 8/11/2023
so that screen-shots
have no context of time or date,
destroying much of their record-keeping power
Language purl for "the back of the hand"
opposing the palm
Fragment i am clay in my hands
sunbaked perfection
Language rhetorica
as a noun
meaning "a rhetorical question"
as misread here
brief, latin-like, perfect
Want It poetry cookies
like a fortune cookie
but they contain poetry instead
from famous old poets
Language either means one of two options, therefore
threether or thither for one of three options
fourther or fother for one of four options
fivether or fither for one of five options
sither, sether, aither, nither (homophone to neither), tether, venther, twether
Fragment someone's sleeping in my grave
Misremembered Lyrics (from Fleet Foxes "The Shrine")
All of the apples on the trees are green
All the green apples belong to me
The sun shines on me all day and night
Everywhere I walk, I walk in light
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